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       dantų implantacijos centras, odontologijos klinika




UAB Stilus Optimus is a publisher of Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research (JOMR). To promote the international readership and spread the pure scientific goals, UAB Stilus Optimus provides a non-commercial publishing service to JOMR. Therefore, all the content is open access, without the subscription fees, hidden charges or processing/publication costs to the readers and authors.

Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research (JOMR) is an open access peer-reviewed and evidence-based international scientific electronic journal, founded by Editor-in-Chief Gintaras Juodzbalys DMD, PhD, Professor, Chairman of the Council, Faculty of Odontology, Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and published in collaboration with Baltic Osseointegration Academy ( The journal aims to convey the scientific progress of all research relevant to dental, oral and maxillofacial associated structures in both health and disease. JOMR was established as a non-commercial journal and is offered completely free of charge, in order to maintain a global forum and dialogue on scientific communication between members of the clinical and academic community. JOMR began with an initial focus on the scientific organizations within the Baltic States. Today, JOMR has evolved into a worldwide scientific journal. For browsing the journal and submitting articles, please go to: