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2008 year


2008 December

New equipment introduced in Stilus Optimus clinic. The KODAK 9000 3D extraoral imaging system enables dental professionals to obtain low-dose, high-resolution 3D images, as well as panoramic images, at an affordable price. This unique “2-in-1” system (3D and panoramic) is well suited for dental professionals who regularly perform complex diagnostic, restorative, surgical, and endodontic procedures.



A very high frequency KODAK 2200 x-ray generator supports superior image quality and better safety conditions for our patients and our staff.




KODAK RVG 6100 Digital Radiography System has the highest resolution digital imaging sensor on the market today. Due to new technological advances with the optical plate and scintillator, all size sensors have increased "sensitivity," which allows a practitioner to decrease the radiation dose — up to 10% decrease for sizes 1 & 2 and 40% decrease for size 0.   



For basic patient communication needs, the Intraoral Patient Education Video Camera System makes the benefits of intraoral camera use with every patient and at every chair more affordable than ever.

Now we can expect increases in treatment demand and acceptance, patient understanding, recalls and referrals and productivity.

Furthermore we obtained PIEZOSURGERY® II starter set. Thanks to the patented, controlled three-dimensional ultrasound vibrations, the original PIEZOSURGERY® technique opens up a new age for osteotomy, osteoplasty and extraction in odontology.

 Dental microscope.


We obtained even more advanced equipment and made computerization of our clinic. Now all information about our patients is accessible in every cabinet using computer connection system. 

2008 Nowember

 G. Juodzbalys gave lecture in 3rd Baltic Scientific Conference in Dentistry on 6-8th November 2008 in Vilnius (Lithuania) as invited speaker.


 2008 September

 6 September 2008, G. Juodzbalys gave two lectures about dental implants in First BOA Congress in Kaunas.


2008 Aprile

 G. Juodžbalys was elected as President of Baltic Osseointegration Academy (BOA) and Head of Science Commission.


BOA Board after constitutive meeting.


2008 January


Professor Gintaras Juodzbalys participated in Master’s Course in Esthetic Implant Dentistry, Bern Switzerland designed for clinicians experienced in the field of esthetic implant dentistry. Course was organized by ITI (International Team for Implantology), in association with the University of Bern. Probably this one of the best dental implant centres in the world.

End of course: final evening-party with colleagues from Nederland, Taiwan and Lithuania.